Going from Hard, to Soft.

I never get used to that electric saw, though. I am convinced he is going to slip and cut deep into my foot or take off a few toes. More than once, at the slightest sensation of the blade coming to close, to my flesh, I jerked my foot out of his hands, uncontrollably.

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Life on the Left Leg

I’m 1.5 weeks into a 6-8 week, no-weight bearing, life on the leg, lifestyle. I have had two post-op doc visits and two casts. I took the pain meds the first week, but I refuse to take them anymore.

Here’s more of what this recovery is like…

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I’ve always done stuff like this - surfboards, skateboards, weight-lifting gear, … if it’s fun, supports personal expression, and promotes individual growth, I’m all about it, and all about sharing that stoke with others, …kids especially. But why? The quick answer is what I just wrote. It’s a safe, easy-breezy answer, that makes me look all sunshine ‘n kittens and sunny day chill. Unfortunately, it’s not the honest answer. The honest answer is much darker.

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Anniversary of Admission

I wanted to live for a living, right? Well, when you find yourself halfway around the world, rolling deep in self-administered suffering through the streets of Thailand, in the middle of the pitch-black night, pondering ways to join others in the personal fight for freedom from demons so taboo no one wants to touch them, and you are doing so through extreme physical events designed to get people to pay attention - you are definitely living for a living.

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